What is the air quality index of Amsterdam?
Amsterdam is the largest and most populous city in the Netherlands with a 2018 populationof over 2.5 million in the metropolitan area. At the end of 2020, Amsterdam wasexperiencing some “Good” quality air with a US AQI reading of 18.
The concentration of the main pollutants were as follows: PM2.5 - 4.3 µg/m³, PM10 -3.9 µg/m³, ozone (O3) - 33.1 µg/m³, nitrogen dioxide (NO2)- 5.3 µg/m³ and carbon monoxide (CO) - 5.3 µg/m³. With figures such as these,the advice is to open doors and windows and let the fresh air into the home andto get outside and enjoy outdoor activities.
In 2019, the average annual PM2.5 figure was 10.7 µg/m³ which, according torecommended levels by the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified it as“Good”. For 4 months of the year, Amsterdam attained the WHO target figure ofbeing 10 µg/m³ or less. 5 months classed it as “Good” with concentrationsbetween 10 and 12 µg/m³. The remaining months of February, March and Aprilreturned “Moderate” readings between 12.1 and 35.4 µg/m³.
Is Amsterdam very polluted?
The Stadhouderskade is one of the dirtiest streets in Amsterdam. It is astreet which runs through the city centre and is always congested. Localresidents have noticed that if they cross the street or spend too much timeclose to the carriageway, they soon begin to cough and wheeze. They are mostlydissatisfied with the measure being taken by the authorities and suggest theexclusion of heavily-polluting diesel-powered trucks, but levels of pollutantsare still in excess of recommended figures.
What are the air pollutants in Amsterdam?
Fine dust is a collective name for very small particles in the air. You cannot see theparticles with the naked eye as they are only a few micrometres in size (1micrometre is a thousand times smaller than a millimetre). Particles smallerthan 10 micrometres are called PM10, particles smaller than 2.5 micrometres arecalled PM2.5 and even smaller particles are called ultra-fine particles. Soot orblack carbon (BC) is also an important part of fine dust as it consists ofparticles that have clumped together. Particulate matter can be caused bynatural sources but, more commonly, it is man-made. It is thought that up to 75to 80 per cent of fine PM pollutants are attributed to human activity. Thesefine particles also remain in the air for longer periods of time.
In addition to particulate matter (PM), soot (BC), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone(O3), there are also other unhealthy substances in the air, such asvolatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2),but these are in much smaller quantities at the moment.
What can be done to mitigate the effects of the poor air quality in Amsterdam?
If you are driving the car, keep the windows closed especially when in a trafficjam or heavily congested area. This way you keep some of the dirty air out.Outside the traffic jam, an open window is healthier, because the air in carscan soon become stale. Do not allow fresh air to enter the car whilst drivingthrough long tunnels but set the fan to recirculation mode. In this way, lesspolluted air enters the car. However, you are not advised to do this for longerthan 15 minutes. By opening two of the windows, the air inside the vehicle will quickly be replaced.
What are the effects on health through breathing in Amsterdam’s polluted air?
Air pollution is unhealthy and you can get all types of ailments and diseases fromit. The elderly, sick people and young children are extra sensitive to dirtyair. People with pre-existing respiratory problems such as asthma, chronicbronchitis or COPD, and people with cardiovascular disease or diabetes, candevelop more complaints or even die earlier due to air pollution. Healthypeople are also affected depending on the length of exposure to the dirty air,the pollutants contained within it and the concentration of those pollutants.Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) makes some people more sensitive toinfections and they catch a cold more quickly. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are notonly unhealthy but also bad for nature if there is too much of them.
Fine dust and ozone (O3) can cause temporary complaints such as dry eyes,coughing, a dry throat or shortness of breath. But it also ensures that yourlungs work less well efficiently. Prolonged exposure to ozone can also causeheadaches, nausea and dizziness. Skin rashes have also been noted for some people.
What are the main sources of pollution in Amsterdam?
Road traffic and industry are not the only sources of these unhealthy substances.Agriculture and wood burning in and around the house also cause air pollution. Ofall the unhealthy particles in the air, particulate matter PM2.5, nitrogenoxide (NOx) and ozone (O3) cause the most damage to health.
Road traffic is one of the main sources of bad air that people breathe every day. Alot of particulate matter (PM), soot (BC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are emittedfrom the exhausts of cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds.Diesel cars in particular, emit a lot of harmful substances. But the wear of tyres,brakes and road surface also adds to the air pollution.
Industry such as steel factories and refineries, shipping and agriculture alsocontribute. Households can cause poorer air quality by burning wood in thefireplace, wood stove or fire basket because a lot of fine dust is releasedinto the environment when wood is burned. Other pollutants in the home arecigarette smoke, pets and moisture. Gas stoves, central heating boilers andgeysers also contribute with their emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Ozone (O3) does not come from the exhaust of cars or chimneys. Tropospheric,or ground-level ozone, as it should be known, is not emitted directly into theair, but is created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) andvolatile organic compounds (VOC)s. The problem is compounded in the presence ofstrong sunlight so tends to intensify as the day progresses.
Air pollution is a transnational problem. A lot of dirty air arrives on theprevailing winds from as far away as the deserts in China and Mongolia. Up to30 per cent of the particulate matter in the air can come from foreignemissions. Conversely, a large part of the substances emitted in theNetherlands also blown across the border.